


If you've found yourself here then you probably already know who I am and what I do, but for the benefit of the casual web surfer my name is AJ and I keep this blog to chronicle some of my more interesting experiences abroad. Right now I'm studying at the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland, and will most likely be doing some traveling while here. 

I started keeping this thing in August 2013 as a record of my travels in Burma. If you are interesting in reading about that (damn good stuff), simply click the tab above labelled as such. 

I try and post pretty frequently, or whenever it is warranted, so check back periodically for updates. Additionally, you can sign up to receive email alerts every time I post- simply type your email address into the box on the right side-bar labelled 'Follow by Email'. This method is probably the best for staying up to date with what I'm doing. 

For your convenience, I've also included local time and weather for wherever I am on the upper-left sidebar, and a live Instagram feed on the lower-right sidebar. That's pretty much all you need to know to view and use this blog, email me with any questions or concerns and I might respond, you never know! 


Albert J. Anderson
Brown University '15
International Relations

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm the editor of a magazine in Yangon and am interested in using one of your photos.

    Please PM me at
